The Thing About Growing Up
The thing about growing up is that you don’t really feel yourself getting older while it’s happening. When you’re living it little by little, time doesn’t really feel like it’s passing at all.…
Small Moments, The Ones Built For Savoring
When I think about my favorite parts of the day, it’s usually the small moments that come to mind. Stepping onto my back porch on a summer morning and feeling the sunshine warm…
Slow Progress & The What-Ifs
Building something usually takes quite a bit longer than we think. Progress is slow. Tedious. But somehow we need to stay devoted to the process. The monotony and the daily toil is the…
Neighbors, Front Yards & Tattered Flags
One of my neighbors across the street flies an American flag year round from his front porch. He’s lived on the block for forty years, watching our street change year after year. Some…