Life Pieces
Off-Kilter & Out Of Whack
Off-kilter and out of whack. That’s how my schedule feels lately. Over the last two months while my calendar’s been chaotic, I sometimes feel chaotic too. But at the end of each day,…
Back to the Mixing Bowl
I like rules. I always have. Rules create boundaries and help you understand what’s expected and what isn’t. But as much as I follow rules, I think I break them just as often.…
Second Place Finishes & Silver Medals
I ran the mile in my first ever track meet and finished second. Somewhere in the stands, my mom thought she saw me holding back during the final lap. She was right. I…
The Discomfort of Resting
I don’t do rest well. More specifically, full days of less is not something I am good at. Sometimes I envy the people who can enjoy a full Saturday of binging shows and…