Life Pieces

  • Life Pieces

    Drink Some Water, Go Outside

    I’m not the person that people feel confident taking their complaints to.  Problems, yes. But complaints? Not so much. I’m not good at being a sympathetic listener when someone is airing their grievances…

  • Life Pieces

    Birthday Cakes & Anniversaries

    One November, several years ago, I had the worst week of my life. So far in my life anyway. Although, it’s been 14 years and nothing else has ever been close in comparison.…

  • Life Pieces

    A Ridiculously Huge Grin

    Gratitude. This one word has been on repeat in my head lately. I also can’t tell you how many times I’ve said to myself or others I’m just so grateful during the past…

  • Life Pieces

    Beginnings, Sunrises, and Magic

    I’m a fan of beginnings. The beginning of a new month, and those early glimpses of the next season. The first night of late summer that’s chilly enough to pull on a sweatshirt. …