Broken Pieces

  • Broken Pieces

    Dimes In The Grass

    One of my friends lost her mom to suicide, about eight years ago. It was hard, and horrible, and always will be. Like losing a piece of you always is. Because there are…

  • Broken Pieces

    Quarters & Ice Cream Scoops

    My first job was in an ice cream store, with an old-fashioned soda counter. We didn’t have a soft-serve machine, but we did have hand-spun milkshakes and hot fudge cream puffs. During all…

  • Broken Pieces

    Lost & Found

    I had a dream about my sister the other night. She isn’t in my dreams often. Although I don’t often remember my dreams, so she could show up more than I know. The…

  • Broken Pieces

    Everyone Else’s Favorite Season

    Fall in the midwest is filled with breathtaking colors and many people casually exclaiming that it’s their favorite season. With that excitement in the atmosphere I’ve been wondering if it’s my favorite season…