• Habits & Goals

    Three Takeaways From 2022

    The end of a year is simultaneously the most clichéd and most unavoidable time for reflection. It’s the yearly window when it’s time for new calendars and making resolutions you might but probably…

  • Uncategorized

    Smug Holiday People

    There are always those people that get their holiday shopping and other preparations done early. I think those that can achieve this feat don’t brag about it as much these days. But I’ve…

  • Broken Pieces

    Sixteen Years

    When I turned sixteen, my sister planned a whole day for just the two of us. She wanted to make sure I felt special. Celebrated. And she wanted to be the one to…

  • Uncategorized

    Every Vibrant Shade of Gray

    On any given day, we’re all doing the best we can. We’re all showing up and putting forth the best effort we can muster. Some days we’re proud of ourselves, and those are…