Winter Funks and Blues
There is a week every year, usually a week of grey skies and slush, when winter just gets to me. It’s the week every year when I lose all focus and motivation to…
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?
What did you want to be when you grew up when you were ten or eleven years old? For me, that was long after the days dreaming of being a ballerina princess. I’m…
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Last week one of our friends dropped off a batch of chocolate chip cookies on our porch. A few days before, I had delivered banana bread muffins to their front porch. It’s a…
If This Isn’t Nice, What Is?
Last week I finished reading a book by Kurt Vonnegut. It was a book in the sense that it had a cover with pages bound in the middle, but it didn’t have the…